Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Month of Mommyhood...

1 month

Today completes my first month as a mommy and I'm still in shock! It all still seems like a sweet dream and I just haven't woken up yet! We are still in our bonding process. I imagine our bonding experience is somewhat different from biological mothers and children. But every mother has to get to know her baby whether he is adopted or biological. So we are still getting acquainted and we are enjoying every moment.

We have learned these things about him: He has quite a temper when he is hungry...he must have learned this from me! I get grumpy when I'm hungry too! He hates taking a bath...even after I bought him a new bath tub he still hates it. He loves his swing...it's his favorite toy! He doesn't usually mind having his diaper changed unless it takes longer than he thinks it should. He loves to snuggle. He likes Bo (Pepper keeps his distance so Garon may not even know Pepper exists)!

Garon was 1 month old yesterday and he doesn't really look like a newborn anymore. He is extremely alert when he is awake and has grown so much. He's my little piggy...we had to bump him up to 5 oz. yesterday because he kept crying after we finished feeding him 4 oz. Dr. Smith also changed his formula yesterday because he has been having tummy troubles for the past week or so. Hopefully the change will make him feel better. Even though he's a great eater, he's still small. His newborn clothes still fit but some of them are getting a little short on him. He has long legs!!!

We are so thankful we were able to share this Christmas with him and to share him with our families. This was truly the best Christmas ever! Dr. Smith would have a fit if he knew we had him out all day Christmas! He gave us strict orders to keep him home away from crowds, sick people and kids. I have no problem following those orders but we had to spend Christmas with our families! That being said, we aren't going to be taking him anywhere until flu season is over. I just can't stand the thought of our sweet baby being sick...especially while he's so little.

I feel like the most blessed person in the world to be Garon's mom. It's still so hard to believe all this happened so quickly and so perfectly! God is so good and He is the only reason we have our sweet baby boy! We already love him so much and I can only imagine how much our love for him will continue to grow each day!

Everyone keeps asking where we got his name. Well, a secretary at my high school's last name was Garren and I always thought it was a pretty last name. Then, one of Jason's co-worker's is named Garon. They are from the same German root. Garren/Garon is actually a surname but I think it works beautifully as a first name. Another little bit of trivia about Garon is that it was Elvis Presley's twin brother's middle name...His name was Jesse Garon. But really, we just really liked the name because it is not very common and we have a very special, unique little boy! So Garon seemed to fit!

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute little guy, Laura. I know y'all are proud. I think it's great that he has such a loving home.

    You were commenting on the bath and that he doesn't like taking them. Alan was the same way. One night, we just made it a good bit warmer than we thought he would like it....perfect. He just likes hot baths. You might ought to try it out.
