Monday, June 6, 2011

The Best 6 Months of My Life

As I sit here holding my sweet boy, I can’t believe he will be 6 months old Friday! It seems so impossible!!! I keep asking myself what happened to the tiny newborn he once was. He is now my sitting, baby food-eating, spitting, laughing, noise-making, cooing, talking, playing, rolling, wiggling, scooting baby boy. He has changed so much over the past few weeks and has really come out of shell. He is constantly making a noise of some kind and he finds it quite entertaining. I took him to the doctor last week for a cold and he weighed 16 lbs. 7 oz. and was 25 inches long. He has grown so much and has the cutest chubby baby legs ever!

June is a very special month for several reasons. Not only will Garon be 6 months old, but Granna has a birthday, Jason will have his very first Father’s Day, and we get to finalize the adoption! Everything is complete - we are just waiting for a hearing date with the judge. It seems so strange that a year ago we didn’t even know about Garon and now we have come to the point where a judge will declare him forever-legally ours! There are no words to express how I feel about that. However, most of the time I forget that he isn’t legally ours yet. It’s kinda weird…we’ve cared for this little person for 6 months while the adoption agency actually has custody of him. I have come to think of myself as his Mama now. It was hard for me to stop thinking of his birthmother as his mom. I don’t know why since she doesn’t live anywhere near us. I have no idea if that’s normal or not! But that feeling has faded.

Please pray for our family as we prepare for the final step in the adoption process and as we continue on our journey as a family of three. We are blessed beyond anything we ever hoped for!

Here are some recent pictures of our baby boy! We are completely smitten with him!











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Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

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