Thursday, March 10, 2011

God's gift has put my best dream to shame...

"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame."  - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I saw this quote the other day and thought how appropriate it was for my life. The gift of Garon is greater than I could have ever imagined and I am forever humbled by his perfect plan for our lives.

I usually consider my letters to Garon very personal but I thought I'd share this one with you...but first a few pictures of our sweet boy...

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March 10, 2011

Dear Garon,

My sweet, sweet boy, you are 3 months old today. I have no idea where the time has gone since that wonderful Friday morning that you were born. I can still remember the phone call as though it was yesterday. It still seems like a dream that you are our sweet little miracle! I treasure every day that we have together and look forward to all the days to come and the memories we will make.

Part of me misses the sleepy, cuddly newborn that you were but I also love this personality of yours that shows more and more each day. I want you to grow and develop because that is what you are supposed to do; but, part of me wants to keep you as my tiny baby forever. My favorite part of the day is 10-11 p.m. I feed you your nighttime bottle and we snuggle until I put you in your bed around 11. You lay on my chest and you make the sweetest noises I have ever heard.

We have settled into the best routine with you. You eat at 10, 2, & 6. And…you sleep through the night! Sometimes Daddy even has to wake you up for your 6 a.m. bottle! You are not a morning person at all and I think that’s great because I’m not either!!! So we sleep in on Saturday mornings! However, I’m sure that will change!

You have made quite a few milestones since we brought you home from the hospital. You now smile, laugh and babble ALL the time. You will talk to anyone who will listen and you love for everyone to talk to you. You are such a friendly and happy baby and everyone who has met you loves your personality. Your favorite things to do are: getting your diaper changed (we have the best conversations on the changing table), playing on your jungle gym and swinging in your swing. You are holding your head up very well and you love looking around and soaking up all your surroundings. You have also started trying to roll over. You have made it to your side but not quite all the way over. I expect you to master that any day now. Your bib is your favorite toy and you play with it all the time.

You have also settled in at “Sharon’s Baby Boot Camp!” Of course, it really is just her home daycare. You are the only infant she is keeping right now so you are getting very spoiled at her house too! You love watching the toddlers play and very soon you will join them. Your little cousin Peyton will be joining you in May so you’ll have to show him the ropes. You could not be in a better place while I’m at work but I still HATE the fact that I can’t stay at home with you. I feel like I’m missing so much of your life by spending 40 hours a week at work. So I try to spend as much time as I can with you in the evenings and on weekends.

You haven’t been out in public a lot but the times we have taken you out you have been really good. But you aren’t very fond of your car seat so sometimes you fuss about that. You have never been to Wal-Mart and I’m not sure when I’ll be ready to take you there. I just don’t want you to get sick. I’m still not ready to leave you in the nursery at church so I haven’t been since we brought you home. I’m going to try to take you this Sunday but I think I’ll just let you sit with us and see how that goes.

Your new bedding is on your bed now and it is the cutest ever! I’m also having a window pane picture frame made for you but it’s not quite ready. So your room is coming together, slowly but surely!

You have no idea how much you are loved…by me, your daddy and all of your extended family. I can’t imagine what my life would be like today without you…and I wouldn’t trade you for a biological child…ever! You are my sweet boy, my monkey, my Garon-bug. I love you more and more each day. You have brought a light to my life that I could never have imagined before. Being your mommy is the greatest privilege I have ever received.

I love you to the moon and back!