Sunday, September 26, 2010

Adoption Story - Part 1 did we get here? We met 12 years ago at a local community college and fell in love. Early on we discussed that having children would be an obstacle for us. However, neither of us was really concerned about it at the time...we were still "kids" ourselves and had all the time in the world. We dated for 6 years, got married and here we are another 6 years down the road. The past 12 years have had their ups and downs but we have made it and have grown closer than we could have imagined. We have been talking about our options for starting our family. The only way we could have a baby of our own is via in vitro fertilization with intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection - that is just a lot of fancy words for a VERY expensive, complex procedure. Even this procedure is no guarantee. We could spend $15,000-$20,000 and have a baby or have nothing to show for our money except a lot of debt and a broken heart.

We have prayed about this so much and we really feel God pointing us toward adoption. We really didn't seriously start pursuing adoption until October, 2010. I began researching and talking to friends about how and where to start - It is amazing how God has put these special people in our path to help us with our adoption process. In the beginning it seemed like this never-ending ordeal that was going to cost a fortune...and it still does but more on that a little later. We have come so far yet still have a ways to go. But God has opened so many doors for us with perfect timing that it really confirms that this is His plan for us.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11